It felt great being back in Spokane this last weekend. We went out to dinner with Cameron Friday night. Saturday afternoonish Jason went and visited his parents while I helped my sister get ready for senior prom. I can't believe my sister is graduating high school in 38 days!!! I can't believe my sister turns 18 in 15 days, OMG!!! I was so glad we were up during her prom, and I had the chance to help her get ready. It was so cute watching her and her BFF get ready and be all giddy about the entire thing. Oh to be 17 again.......ok, maybe not =] I wasn't able to visit Jason's parents with him, they could only get together during the time Josie was getting ready. Jason knew how important it was for me to be with my sister, so he was cool with me staying at my moms. I ♥ him so much. After the kids left for prom, Cameron & Joshua came over for dinner. Mom cooked a bomb ass dinner and my SIL had brought some killer brownies with peanut butter frosting for dessert. We spent Saturday night bullshitting, it was great. Sunday morning Cameron & Joshua met us all at my favorite breakfast place. After breakfast we headed back to moms to pack up and then we hit the road. We got home around 2:00. I can't wait for our next trip up.
My little bro Louie in the Charger
My step dad has a 66 Charger and he let my sisters date drive the Charger to the prom. The kids looked pretty badass in that Charger. I bet they remember that forever.