Friday, February 8, 2008

In need of a new soup recipe?

I am so glad it's Friday. Some much needed sleep will be recieved this weekend. As I told you yesterday, I was trying a new recipe in the crock pot last night. It was so good. I'll be making it again here soon. One thing I really liked about this soup was that it wasn't to heavy. It had no meat in it, which we are meat eaters, but it was still really yummy. Jason loved it. If your interested in the recipe let me know. because this is a good one. I found a recipe in this new cook book I got that I really want to try. It a black bean soup you cook in the crock pot. It sounds so yummy, I think I'll try it on our next menu.

So last week I was telling you about Jason and I playing Monopoly. Just so you know I did win that game. He was a good sport about it though. I took this picture that night and I just found it and wanted to share it with you. Hope you all have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG...That looks sooo Yummie. NOW I am HUNGRY!!!! Please send me that so I can make it! I made your stir fry the other day...YUM! I will be making that more often!

So Saturday nights are our family fun nights. We usually try and play some board games, Monopoly is Brent's is the money thing I think. LOL I personally love Clue! So playing board games are for sure fun! Great way to spend time with loved ones!

Hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend! Talk to you laters!