Monday, July 27, 2009

Busy weekend

Gianna's birthday party was awesome!
She scored lots of goodies and had a great time.

Josie, 7/24/09
Louie & Jason, 7/25/09

Gianna's birthday party pictures, 7/25/09
Last time Josie was down (when we went camping) she filled out an application at Jason's work. Long story short, she got the job!! She start August 10th. I'm so proud of her. She did this on her own and got this job by herself (after they hired her she told them Jason was her BIL). I'm so excited that she has a job. It makes it even more real that she'll be living here in less then 2 weeks. I'm just a tad bit excited...


Annie said...

Jason is gangsta in that pic of him and Louie. Looks like baby G had lots of fun. And congrats to Josie on getting a job! That is so rad.

REENblack said...

Congrats to Josie on the job! Much better than Subway I'm sure!

Baby G had quite the gathering for her B-day! What a cutie!!!