On Sunday I had lunch plans with Annie & Caitlin. My SIL needed someone to watch Baby G for a couple hours so I picked her up and we went and met the girls for lunch. Lunch was great, and the company was even better. Baby G was the star of the show and really worked her vocal cords (which was totally awesome) for us. I'm thinking she (Baby G) might need to be invited to lunch more often =]
Check out what my most
awesome friend Annie got me...
awesome friend Annie got me...
That's so cool you are able to spend time with the little ones!
How about a baby in your life?!?! ;-)
Those bowels are super cute!!! Perfect for measuring/baking/prep work!
Gotta love the kids when it comes to video games. That is Jackson, too! Glad that you got to have time with him, they grow up too fast!!!
I ran into Justin at work yesterday and told him how awesome Baby G was. I still love how you got covered in food and she stayed perfectly clean. Got to love how that works.
I am so glad you like the bowls and scoop! James almost didn't want to be seen with me in the store because I was SO excited that I found those scoops.
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