Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Sister

My lil sister Emily turned 6 last week. She had her party this last weekend. Of course we went ice skating =] My brother & dad put Gianna on the ice for the first time. She is 1 1/2. It was sooo awesome to see her out there. She didn't know what to do and just dangled her legs but that's ok, it was the most awesomest thing ever I don't know who was more excited Gianna, my brother, or Grandpa =]
Grandpa & Gianna skating, 1/30/10

Father & Daughter, 1/30/10

Grandpa showing her skates off. He says next time he'll get her hockey skates =]

Gianna, Josie, & I, 1/30/10
I'm so bummed, the pictures I got of Emily, Brock, Trey, & Devin are all blurry and no good. Emily looked soooo cute =[

1 comment:

REENblack said...

How cute! The look on her face is priceless! I LOVE taking kids skating! I suck and they always lap me! ;-)