I saw this idea about a year ago and I've been waiting for a friend of mine to get married so I could make it. I want to thank Annie & James for giving me that opportunity =]
Lollipop-- to help you lick your problems, no matter how many there may be.
Rubber band-- to help you to remember to be "flexible" in all things.
Snickers Bar-- to remind you that laughter IS the best medicine.
Paper clip-- to help you "hold it all together."
Stick of gum-- to help you stick together.
Safety pin-- to help you "pin-point" your problems, the better to solve them!
Piece of string-- to help you "tie-up" those loose ends.
Lifesaver-- to keep you from drowning in everyday problems.
Lemon drop-- to remind you that "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade."
Penny-- to give you extra cents (sense) to know which battles are worth fighting, & which are better ignored."
Candy kiss-- to share with each other.
Button-- to remind you that sometimes you need to "button your lip".
Tootsie Roll-- to help you roll with the punches.
Mint-- to remind you that you are worth a mint to each other.
Puzzle piece-- because you are an important part in each others lives.
Eraser-- to remind you that everyone makes mistakes.
Chapstick-- keep your lips kissable.
Confetti-- to remind you to always add sparkle to your lives.
Toothpick-- to always pick out the good in your mate.
This is such a nifty idea...Great thinking Morgan Leigh!!!!
That is so cute!!! You're so crafty!
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