Monday, February 16, 2009

Uggh, it's Monday

Going back to work after 4 days off sucks!! I came into work this morning and my desk was a mess, of course. I was thinking about this last night. Everytime I take days off and come back my desk is covered with sticky notes, scrap papers, invoices, ect... I knew coming in this morning would be no different, and I was right.

My sister left this morning, and I already miss her. It's always such a blast having her down. We didn't do anything real exciting, but our time together was great. She's talking about moving here after high school and going to the community college for her AA. I'm trying not to get to excited, she's 17 after all and things could/will change. She's been talking about moving here for a couple years now so we'll see. It sure would be neat to see her everyday again. We are so alike yet so different. I see myself in her when I was her age and it cracks me up. She truly is one of my best friends. I love that she's always honest with me and tells it like it is. I can tell her anything and she never judges me or holds it against me. She really is the best. I wouldn't trade her for anything. Love ya Josie

1 comment:

Shannan A.k.a.---Shay said...

Sounds like you had a good time with your sister! I hope your Monday back was not too over-whelming for you!