Thursday, March 20, 2008

In dire need of Spring

I want to start out with WELCOME SPRING, I've missed you so much. We've got sun shining here, it's not warm out there, but hey I'm not complaining.

My soon to be 17 year old sister is coming to stay with the husband and I for her spring break. She will be here Friday March 28. I think our mom is going to let her skip school on Friday so she can head down here early. My sister Joe (that's what I call her) came down last October and stayed a weekend with us. We didn't do much, but had a blast. When I moved to Spokane Joe was 13, and we knew each other but didn't really know one another. We have such a great relationship now, I love it. We have those sister talks (which I love), we share many of the same interests, & we can be doing nothing but still have fun. I just want Joe to love life as much as I do, and live it to the fullest. When I talk to her whether it's on the phone or in person, I'm always reminded of myself at her age. It's scary how much we are alike. She knows my horror stories of not making good choices in life, so I'm always hoping she remembers them and makes better choices for her own life. I'm so excited for our relationship to grow even more as we get older. I love you my dear sister Joe. Above picture is October 2006 at Fred Meyers trying on funny hats.

1 comment:

Shannan A.k.a.---Shay said...

Aww...hope you have a fun time with your sister and hubby. It is always nice to have family come and visit. I know I am gearing up for Jackson...he comes to see us for Spring Break on the 30th! YEAHHH!!!